國立中山大學 余光中數位文學館 National Sun Yat-sen University - Kwang-Chung Yu's Digital Archives

【余光中教授追思紀念特輯 1928-2017


  計畫說明     執行團隊     數位化工作     著作權聲明

Mr. Kwang-Chung Yu is a world-celebrated poet whose work can be divided into poetry, prose, review, and preface. His works are adopted in myriad genres and media, including textbooks, landscape stone carving, lyrics, paintings, and literary works. This project aims to establish a digital collection of Mr. Kwang-Chung Yu’s works and documents, in the hope of highlighting the global outlook that underlies the poet’s works and their everlasting values, his contribution to the preservation and passing down of Contemporary Taiwan and Chinese literature and culture, as well as his love of the land and concern for the society as reflected in his writings.

In 2009, Office of Library and Information Services in National Sun Yat-sen University applied for “Taiwan Digital Archives Expansion Project,” a sub-project of Taiwan E-learning and Digital Archives Program. This project has compiled into a digitized collection his works, manuscripts, photographs, poetry recitation recordings, and built up “Portrait Kwang-Chung Yu” website as the pilot system for digital collection database that will boost the literary creativity in the concerns for Taiwan. Apart from digitizing Mr. Yu’s manuscripts and photographs, “Kwang-Chung Yu’s Digital Archive” continues to expand its collection of Mr. Yu’s works. Built by a user-friendly Web 2.0 interface and integrated with “Kwang-Chung Yu’s Repository,” this digital archive not only provides an easy access to Mr. Yu’s works, but also a sustainable management of his works. National Sun Yat-sen University hopes that the project will manifest the dynamics of multiculturalism in contemporary Taiwan and present Mr. Kwang-Chung Yu as an ardent artist in full.

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